วันเสาร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2553

Love Language Part 1 - Words of affirmation

Image : http://www.flickr.com

Verbal praise and words of affirmation, are powerful communicators of love. They are best expressed in simple, clear statements of claim, such as:

"You Look Sharp in that dress."

"Did you ever look nice with the dress! Wow!"

"They have the best cook potatoes in the world. I love these potatoes."

"I appreciate the dishes tonight."

"Thanks for the babysitter lined up for tomorrow night. I want you to knowI do not take it for granted. "

"I realize that you're out the garbage."

What would happen to the emotional climate of a marriage if the husband or wife heard those words of affirmation regularly?

In every language there are many dialects. Below you will find some, but ultimately you have to understand the dialect spouse.

Verbal compliments: you read

Encouraging words

The word "encouragemeans "inspiration, courage '. Infuse your spouse with encouraging words in the areas of uncertainty.

Kind words: love is kind. So if you want to communicate love in words, we need words. This is due to the way we do not speak. The same phrase can have two different meanings, depending on the mean, as you insert it.

Humble words: Love makes requests, not demands. On our way to express these desires is of the utmost importance. If we knowNeeds requests, let's guidance, not ultimatums.

If the language of your spouse's love for words to say:

To remember that "The words of affirmation" the language of your spouse's primary love, the following 3x5 print on paper and put it on a mirror every day or at another place where you can see:
Words are important!

Words are important!

Words are important!

Hold for a week, a written record of all wordsConfirmation you are giving your spouse every day. At the end of the week, that is to share your spouse, and check your registration.
Monday, 'I said:

"You did a great job on this meal."

"It really looks nice in that dress."

"I really appreciate collect the laundry."

On Tuesday, I said ...

Set a target to give your spouse a compliment different every day for a month. If "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", perhaps even a compliment, give away one day of the consultant. Youwant to record these compliments also, so who are not with the statements.
As you read the newspapers, magazines and books or watching TV or listening to the radio, look for words of affirmation, use it. Observe people in conversation. Write the statement by saying in a notebook. (If cartoons, clip and paste it into your notebook.) Read these at regular intervals, and select those that you can contact us with your wife. If you note the date on which you are.Your notebook can book your love. I remember that words are important!
Write a love letter, a love that paragraph, phrase, or a love for your partner, and give it quietly or with fanfare! (It is likely that, if he dies, you will find your love letter hidden in some place.) Words are important!
Compliment the spouse in the presence of his parents or friends. You will get to double credit to: Your spouse will feel loved and that parents feelFortunately, a great son-in-law have or daughter-in-law.
Find the strengths of your spouse and tell them how much I appreciate these strengths. Chances are, you will work hard to live up to reputation.
Tell your children how great father of their mother. Do this behind your spouse, and in his presence.
Write a poem that describes how you feel about your husband. If you're not a poet, select a card to express how you feel. Highlight specific words and add a coupleAt the very end.
If you can say "Words of affirmation" is difficult for you in practice before a mirror. Use a cue card, if necessary, and remember, words are important.

(Please also read the book "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman)

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